The tools to eliminate personal regret, and how to know what you want to be when you grow up.
Several of my clients as well as friends are going through a timeless issue. No matter how old you are, no matter how long you’ve been settled and have a job, no matter what business title you posses, at some time or another, you realize like so many others, that you are going through the motions of life. You are making money to survive, sometimes more than survive, to support your family, and to support yourself and your lifestyle.
Many people feel lost; they feel as though they don’t know themselves because they have never actually lived for themselves. Many people took a job for security and weren’t able to pursue their passions and until now they kept sweeping this need under the rug of their subconscious. But now, they are realizing that they aren’t happy and they don’t know who they are anymore.
The question, that comes to mind for many people no matter what their age, what do I want to be when I grow up?
Are you still trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up? This is an age-old dilemma with no age requirement. The positive position for shedding light on this subject is obvious, you are thinking about yourself and what you want to do with the rest of your life.
Realizing that you count and that you deserve happiness is a true breakthrough. You are realizing that you have choices and can make a change in your life. In Day 7 of “Live Your True Life,” the topic focuses on your dreams, pursuits, and aspirations and because time travel is not available, you must make the most of your present time, it truly is a present, and you can’t go back and change the past.
When you don’t focus on what you want to do, you are left with regret manly due to missed opportunities, but the majority of the time, for not trying at all.
When people begin to feel empty in their lives, they begin by kicked around a few ideas, there is no real personal discovery made, and like clockwork, they go back to routine out of habit and fear. Because change can be scary, it makes people uncomfortable and this uncomfortable feeling usually leads them back to sweeping the need of self-discovery and fulfillment under their proverbial subconscious rug.
The core issue, beyond the obvious of not being genuine to self and not allowing self-discovery and fulfillment is REGRET. The only way to remove regret is to begin doing the things you’ve always wanted to do. When you try, no matter what the outcome, you have succeeded in taking a proactive role in your own life.
At the point of truly trying, no matter the end result, you have officially eliminated the wondering and the never knowing that is regret. If you are on the path of regret, I want you to stop, get off that path, and get on a path of no regret with self-discovery.
Here are my proven tools, step by step, to eliminate personal regret, and to know what you want to be when you grow up.
Step 1: Focus on your dreams, pursuits, and aspirations
Step 2: Start a new notebook, on the first page write down what it is you want to accomplish in your life (your life goals.)
Step 3: Underneath your written goals, write why you want to accomplish each goal. Basically, why is achieving this goal important to you?
Step 4: When you are done with steps 1-3, tear out the sheet of paper and hang it somewhere you will see it every day, perhaps a bathroom mirror. Read over this page every day!
Step 5: On another sheet of paper, in that notebook, write down the resources, skills, knowledge, and materials that you already possess that will help you achieve your goal/goals.
Step 6: Write down the things/resources/knowledge you need to achieve your goal/goals.
Step 7: Begin working daily to slash/cross things off your list of things you need to achieve your goals. If some of these needs to achievement are long in nature like education, training, etc., begin today by getting needed information, finding out what you need to get enrolled, and be proactive. It might seem overwhelming but overwhelming is better than regret. If you need, take small steps realizing, the bigger the steps the faster the uphill journey.
Are you ready to take the Live Your True Life challenge?