Archive for the ‘general’ Category

How to Open up Communication in the Marriage

Original content by Ashley Berges When conversation breaks down in the marriage, almost everything else in the marriage follows suit. When we deal with a communication breakdown we seem to separate, it feels like we are going through the motions without the emotions. There is no communication intimacy or conversation with depth. Furthermore, you are […]

Why are you with me? Identifying Relationship Insecurities and BPD Tendencies

Original content by Ashley Berges Does it feel as though no matter how often you tell your partner you care and love them; they are never satisfied for long? They ask us, “why are you with me, or why are you with someone like me.” Often, these questions come from someone who has BPD tendencies […]

The Powerful Control Core Beliefs have over why we Self-Sabotage

Original content by Ashley Berges What is your choice of self-sabotage? Self-sabotage can be a conscious or unconscious action. We can be aware of our decision or we can be unaware of what we are doing. Therefore, these choices and decisions can sabotage and hurt us.  Often, we are unable to see the patterns in […]

The Borderline and the Narcissist, can they have a Successful Relationship?

Original content by Ashley Berges What happens when a borderline meets a narcissist? What does it look like when they join in a relationship? The first thing that usually happens is that the borderline is amazed by the confidence a narcissist has. To the borderline, the narcissist is everything they are not. They believe the […]

Double Standards, how they are used to Control you.

Original content by Ashley Berges Does someone in your life have double standards? Is it ok for them to do certain things, but not ok for you? There may be people in our lives that have double standards. It appears double standards and control go hand in hand.  Some people can do whatever they want […]

The Connection between How we Love and Attachment Styles

What is your attachment style, and what effect does it have on your relationship? Folks have different attachment styles. Attachment styles are the way we relate to others in relationships. Most likely our attachment styles developed in early childhood. The way our parents related to us crafted our attachment style which has carried through to […]

Can You Identify when you are Being Mirrored by Someone?

Original content by Ashley Berges Mirroring, often known as the chameleon effect, is about imitating, and copying another person’s behaviors, traits, and characteristics. In relationships, it is both comfortable and desirable to have things in common with your friend or significant other. It can be helpful to have things in common, but what happens when […]

How to Stop Blaming yourself for the Breakup

Original content by Ashley Berges Have you ever wondered what you could have done differently in the relationship to have prevented the break-up? After a break-up we find ourselves going over things in our heads, beating ourselves up, and searching for what we could have done differently. We hold onto regret, thinking that the smallest thing […]

8 Characteristics to look for in a True Friend

Original content by Ashley Berges We need to be careful about whom we call our real friends. If we are not careful it will come back and bite us in the butt. Have you ever thought about what it means to be a true friend? What does a true friend do?  8 Indications that Identify […]

Why Emotional Walls do more Damage than Good

Often times people put an emotional wall around them. This is done because most likely they were hurt in the past and are afraid of getting hurt again. We build these walls to protect a broken heart or hide our identity We build up emotional walls because of things that may have happened to us […]