Their life is so amazing; what’s wrong with my life?

First Segment

“How perfect is their perfect lives? Only as perfect as you think it is.” aB

Tonight’s show ventures into my mind with a conversation that took place earlier in the week. After hearing about a friend’s vacation, I made up my own thoughts in my mind, all amazing and covered in luxury. However, the vacation they made out to be glorious was actually a bust.  When people tell you about their life or adventures you think the absolute best and when it comes to you, the opposite.

Second Segment

Tonight’s Perspectives with Ashley Berges is opening a window and switching on the dome light on life perspective. I’m going to share with you the two things, the only two thing that steal your joy and happiness everytime.

Third Segment

Expectations suck!  The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life discusses just this.  When we place expectations on things, we lose our childlike happiness and joy.  Ashley explains how to eliminate expectations from your life now.

Fourth Segment

When we compare our lives to other’s lives, we take away our own happiness and joy. The problems with comparison are numerous and Ashley begins the conversation on the problems with comparison and usually where it puts you mentally and emotionally. We’ve all done it, don’t lie to yourself, but better yet, learn how to stop doing it!


Learn how you can gain happiness and personal joy by halting life comparisons today:





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