Are you comparing yourself to others?

First Segment

“It’s not about them…It’s always been about you.” aB

Comparing yourself to others can leave you feeling depressed, lesser than, or better than others. The human condition is saddled between the desire to be unique and the yearning to fit in. Social media has raised the comparison trend because we’re constantly comparing our lives to the lives of our friends and acquaintances. Tonight’s discussion brings comparison into proper view, why we do it, and why we should stop harming ourselves immediately.

Second Segment

  • Keith not Kevin joins Bill, Dan, and Ashley on discussing comparison.  When we compare ourselves to others we aren’t using a scientific method, we’re not in a lab, and we’re always seeing ourselves as lessor than.

Third Segment

When we compare ourselves to others, we are usually comparing during a period of stress or feeling down.  When we compare in situations like this, we aren’t making a fair comparison, and we’re making assumptions in our head about them. Because we don’t have all the information, we make giant leaps in logic. Social media aids and abets in this lose lose mind game.

Fourth Segment

When you stop comparing yourself to others you free yourself and free your life. Comparison steals your joy and happiness and keeps you in a constant need to compete with others on a game with no rules and no constants.  Realizing it’s not about them is the first step to finding your happiness and understanding just how wonderful you have it!



Learn how you can gain happiness and personal joy by halting life comparisons today:





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