Tools for the creation and implementation of lasting New Years resolutions

First Segment

“Consciously realize when you metaphorically move from success to the creation of excuses and see that it is you, who’s in your own way.” aB

I’m aware that many Perspectives listeners have created New Year’s resolutions.  Resolutions are interesting things, they can encourage, they can anger, the can outrage, all and all no matter what people say, if you created the resolution, then it means something to you.  If you actually take the time to make a resolution, you’ve taken the time to better your life and better your circumstances.  Hooray for you! 🙂

Second Segment

Bill, Dan-o, and Ashley are letting you in on our new year’s resolutions.  We’re discussing why we choice these specific resolutions and what it means to us specifically.

Third Segment

We’re discussing the pitfalls we’ve already encountered while sticking to our New Years resolutions. One of the largest factors for failure is unsuccessful integration of your chosen resolution into your daily life.

Fourth Segment

Ashley comes out with her New Years Resolution, why she chose it, and the pitfalls she’s already experienced.  Berges recaps and closes the show with the two things you need to take advantage of in order to coast through the next year with your resolution under your belt and on top of the world.


What does New Years mean to you?
Read more to understand your true feelings:





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