Archive for the ‘power’ Category

How to achieve your purpose without becoming sidetracked

How to achieve your purpose without becoming sidetracked    Recently I experienced frustration that came about because I didn’t know that I knew the next step to take, on my life path.  When you tend to your life path, you deal with every emotion, you’re learning in every process, and you either continue on, stop, […]

What are you thankful for?

What are you thankful for?  In a world where every time you sit down to eat at a restaurant, walk through the airport, or go to a bar with friends, TVs display the latest breaking news filled with danger, problems, and crime.  It’s inherently difficult to remember what matters, to see the forest through the […]

Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works.

Focus on what works NOT what hurts.  Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works. Refocusing your mind on a minute-to-minute basis to see and focus on what’s working in your life instead of what is hurting or not working, you begin to create a positive and successful life path.  Life is […]

Make confrontation work for you.

We despise even hate confrontation. Because we hate confrontation, we stray away from dealing with our problems. Avoiding confrontation causes us to toss and turn all night, be stressed out all day, and when it gets bad enough, the anger you’re carrying around affects every aspect of your life. For the most part, none of […]

Snobs Suck: How to effectively deal with a snob

    Smile & Breathe.  Don’t go to their level.  Be you and be happy.  In the beginning this can feel like you are “rolling over” however this is you getting the upper hand & not playing into their childish game. See their insecurities.  When people are snobby, they are insecure.  See them and their […]

New Years Resolutions, will you succeed or fail?

How you can succeed with any New Years resolution.

New Years Resolutions, will you succeed or fail? How you can succeed with any New Years resolution.   It’s not about making New Year’s resolutions; it’s about keeping them! 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions but only a mere 8% of them actually keep them.   Why do we fail? Contained in this blog […]

How to get along with your family this holiday season by creating memories not misery!

How to get along with your family this holiday season. Why have misery when you can make this the best holiday yet?   Everyone on this planet has at least one person that likes and possibly gets thrills from pushing your buttons.  Sometimes, that one or several people are also family members.  During the holiday […]

How to lower your stress and feel better about your life and yourself.

How to lower your stress and feel better about your life and yourself. Dress to De-Stress As a human, you get dressed everyday to take on the world.  Each day you face dilemmas and roadblocks that create stress. This stress, if not regulated daily can cause anything from back pain, acid-reflux, bleeding ulcers, heart attacks, […]

How to effectively communicate to get heard by others every time.

How to effectively communicate to get heard by others every time. Can You Hear Me Now?   Doesn’t it seem that the majority of people don’t read entire emails anymore?  Some people “skim” them and probably don’t remember the first sentence.  When it come to listening, we as a whole, the human race, don’t listen, […]

The life path you have created and the changes that will take place with your friends.

The life path you have created and the changes that will take place with your friends. Your life is filled with friends.  These friends can last for a long time or a very short time.  As we go through internal changes, the friends we have can change.  Sometimes the changes that take place within your […]