Don’t let others sidetrack you from your life path.

First Segment

“Your life path is yours and yours alone.  When you allow others to sidetrack you, you lose yourself.” aB

How to maintain focus to continue on your life path.  You don’t live alone on this planet, you live amongst others.  Your “others” are categorized into three groups.  These groups can help you stick to your life path or get you off target.  Tonight’s show reveals your “others,” the situations you may find yourself, and how to avoid being sidetracked on your life path.

Second Segment

Perspectives is discussing the situations that arise when you believe in your life path.  When you believe where you are going and believe in yourself, you will have oddities come your way that you’ve never experienced.  It’s amazing the situations and circumstance that come into your life when you know what you need to do.  It’s amazing to see just who is trying to stand in your way.

Third Segment

Perspectives Trifecta discusses the Samsung Galaxy Gear, the Samsung Galaxy Round, & the BioLite Campstove.

Fourth Segment

Ashley gives the proven life tips to keep you on your life path & feeling AWESOME.


Achieve your purpose without becoming sidetracked:




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