Archive for the ‘contentment’ Category

Do you know yourself?

We as humans and individuals of unique skills and talents are always aiming to know ourselves better.  For the most part, we are born into a family and raised by adults/parents that take care of us, feed us, educate us, and help us grow to be productive members of society.  Our parents/guardians raised us using […]

Confrontation versus Avoidance: Being Authentic and Pro-Active

Most people don’t like confrontation.  The thought of having to confront another individual causes anticipation, stress, and nervousness.  There is a tendency to question one’s self prior to confronting another individual.  We question our self prior to confrontation to be sure we aren’t part of the problem and it’s also another strategy to putting off […]

Confrontation versus Avoidance: Being Authentic and Pro-Active (part 2)

Across the board, if we deal with the problem situation at the beginning of the problem, confrontation would not be needed, unless the problem continues.  By waiting, we hold hurt feelings and unanswered questions inside which causes internal chaos and disbelieve that usually caused a bigger divide between you and the other person leading up […]

Effective Communication: Are You in a Holding Pattern?

Are you in a holding pattern? Your individual life journey differs from all other’s life journey.  This life journey of yours is individual and unique to you.  Everything about us as an individual is unique.  The way we think, the way we speak, the way we breathe, the way we love, and the way we […]

What is Regret?

What is regret?   Regret is a verb defined as: to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, esp. a loss or missed opportunity). Synonyms for regret: verb: repent, mourn, be sorry, lament, and rue. Noun synonyms: repentance, remorse, sorrow, grief, and contrition.   How does regret feel?   […]

Are you happy? Wish #1: A Fun and Exciting Life

Are you happy?  When people ask others if they are happy, it’s an interesting question.  What does being happy truly mean?  I feel generally happy for the most part but in no way am I jumping up and down and yelling it from the rooftops.  I like to think that happiness is equated with contentment […]

Are you happy? Wish #3 continuation: More Time and the Bigger Better Deal

Are you happy? Wish #3 Continuation: The BIGGER BETTER DEAL scenario is the one that plaques many adults.  The BBD is the concept of being in one place and wanting to be somewhere entirely different.  The BBD is the reason why most people won’t RSVP for a party because they are holding out for something […]