Don’t Live Your Best Life, Go the Distance and Live Your True Life. [Ep.568]

How are you defining your life? Does your definition of “you” get in the way of you living your true life? Throughout our life, we define things that happen, people that come into our lives, and we define situations and circumstances as good, bad, right, not right, and then we create thoughts in our mind that remind us of old outdated judgments on things we think we can or can’t do.
Are you ready to let go of trying to do your best and instead find the honesty to live your truth? When we try to do our best we do what we can with the limitations we have. Instead, when we live our truth we shed the stuff that no longer serves us, we let go of self-limiting beliefs and negative options of ourself, and we begin to live our life for the highest good. Then and only then can we live our truth. Living our true life is lifetimes better than just accepting our best life. When we live our true life, we are letting go of societal limitations, limitations and negativity given and passed down to us from our parents, and we’re cultivating our own life based on our own values, and this is how we find our true life, to live our true life.

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