Archive for the ‘career success’ Category

Confrontation versus Avoidance: Being Authentic and Pro-Active

Most people don’t like confrontation.  The thought of having to confront another individual causes anticipation, stress, and nervousness.  There is a tendency to question one’s self prior to confronting another individual.  We question our self prior to confrontation to be sure we aren’t part of the problem and it’s also another strategy to putting off […]

Confrontation versus Avoidance: Being Authentic and Pro-Active (part 2)

Across the board, if we deal with the problem situation at the beginning of the problem, confrontation would not be needed, unless the problem continues.  By waiting, we hold hurt feelings and unanswered questions inside which causes internal chaos and disbelieve that usually caused a bigger divide between you and the other person leading up […]

Effective Communication: Are You in a Holding Pattern?

Are you in a holding pattern? Your individual life journey differs from all other’s life journey.  This life journey of yours is individual and unique to you.  Everything about us as an individual is unique.  The way we think, the way we speak, the way we breathe, the way we love, and the way we […]

Are you happy? Wish 3 Part B: Career and Life Success

Are you happy? Wish 3 Part B: Several clients have voiced the wish for beginning a career at an earlier age and wishing success had come earlier as well.  This is the: could have, should have, and would have wish with regards to societal outward successes.  All humans understand the want and desire to choose […]

Are you happy? Wish #3 Part B continuation: Career, Life Success, and Experience

Are you happy? Wish 3 Part B Continuation: At this time, time travel is not available to us to go back and change the course of history and for many of us the things that “got in our way” made us who we are today.  Real life and real living is a truly essential part […]