Archive for the ‘no regret’ Category

How to find your life purpose now.

  The Berges DNA Cheek Swab Test for Purpose is effective 99.9% of the time.  Going through life without knowing your true purpose is compared to jumping off a ship, in the ocean, on a stormy night in choppy waters without a life jacket.  Your purpose provides understanding and the meaning into your life and […]

Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works.

Focus on what works NOT what hurts.  Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works. Refocusing your mind on a minute-to-minute basis to see and focus on what’s working in your life instead of what is hurting or not working, you begin to create a positive and successful life path.  Life is […]

You Meditate Everyday, you just don’t know it yet!

Today, I ran across an article on  If you read Gawker, you know Lifehacker.  The article by Melanie Pinola, titled: Meditate Without Sitting Still:  Turn Everyday Actions into a Practice.  Pinola states that most of us think of meditation as sitting cross-legged and silent for a long period of time.  She goes further to […]

Make confrontation work for you.

We despise even hate confrontation. Because we hate confrontation, we stray away from dealing with our problems. Avoiding confrontation causes us to toss and turn all night, be stressed out all day, and when it gets bad enough, the anger you’re carrying around affects every aspect of your life. For the most part, none of […]

Do you want to make your dreams a reality?

Do you want to make your dreams a reality? How you can make your dream a touchable reality. Are you ready to begin creating and doing instead of day dreaming and waiting? In order to make our dreams realities we must begin to take the dream out of our head and get it on paper. […]

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today.

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today. On a daily basis, I speak with a lot of people, and the majority of these people are unhappy in some way with their life.  Whether it’s their career, relationship, no relationship, growth, or growing apart, there is something.  The first thing I tell […]