A toxic relationship beats us down both mentally and emotionally. We neglect to think about the physicality of being physically broken down. This does not come from the other person, but from not taking care of yourself in the relationship.
A lot of toxic relationships are about the other person. It is always us trying to keep the relationship together and save the other person. Most of the time the other person feels they are entitled. They believe that we are supposed to take care of them and do everything for them. As a result, we take them to appointments, doing things for them, and doing everything they need. In the meantime, we have all of our responsibilities to take care of. Eventually, we realize we are not doing anything for ourselves.
When we exit a toxic relationship, most likely we feel emotionally and mentally raw. We are dealing with emotions, feelings, and all the stuff that happened in the relationship. We are also dealing with a lot of physical ailments as well. These are things that we have put on the back burner to take care of our partner. We have put off doctor appointments and working out just to take care of the other person.
One of the things you need to begin doing right now is to take an inventory of the things you need to do to take care of yourself. Anything mentally, emotionally, or physically that can help you that you have not done. Take responsibility for yourself. Furthermore, you want to live a healthy life. In the process of recovering from this toxic relationship, you need to realize that you did not give yourself much grace because you were too busy trying to take care of someone else.

Take the time to think about what needs to get done. Write down a list of things to do. Begin to think about how to implement these things. It’s time to figure out what you need to do to put yourself first. This will show you, not only respect for yourself, but it will give you the feeling of unconditional love to fill yourself. It will also help you to feel more successful because you are doing things that you need to do for yourself! Finally, it will be the first time in a long time that you are taking care of your needs in a long time.