Ralph Waldo Emerson famously lamented “All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients.” Abraham Lincoln insisted that “books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.”
“For substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources…” Mark Twain wrote to Hellen Keller, “When a great orator makes a great speech you are listening to ten centuries and ten thousand men — but we call it his speech, and really some exceedingly small portion of it is his.” There are countless references to this theory that there is no such thing as original thought at this stage of human history. Basically, any ideas you have have been thought of before; your thoughts are not unique snowflakes.
How utterly depressing. And who are we to argue with these great figures from our history? Who, in fact? Our own unique combinations of genetics, experiences, influences, choices, beliefs, relationships, and dreams, that’s who.
It’s true that it isn’t easy to be original, but it’s easier than you might think. The most important part is to believe that you are original and
to be your authentic self in the process. In “The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life,” Ashley asks us “What makes you a unique individual?” and lists values, theories, beliefs, experiences, our past, our present, our environment, friends and family. There are only so many unique combinations of language in this world, so it’s likely that any phrase, quote, or even speech has been assembled before by someone over the course of human history. Like a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time will eventually type the complete works of William Shakespeare. But even if the words are the same, what are the chances that all of those listed categories are exactly the same for the previous person or persons who said them? Not bloody likely. The inspirations and emotions that drive you to say something or do something or think something are yours and yours alone, and in that case make everything you do original.
![Original thought](https://www.ashleyberges.com/content/uploads/2014/04/banksy-one-original-thought-new-york-500x333-1-300x200.jpeg)
![Original You Is original thought dead](https://www.ashleyberges.com/content/uploads/2014/04/1560517_477497439027677_955843626_n-300x200.jpeg)
![What is original thought?](https://www.ashleyberges.com/content/uploads/2014/04/Natalie-Portman-Dancing-Silly-In-Garden-State-Gif1-300x127.gif)
![Is original thought dead](https://www.ashleyberges.com/content/uploads/2014/04/522042_10150760580981323_2085437795_n-300x200.jpeg)
We don’t have to be artists to be creative, and we don’t have to grow up with artists. We all have the opportunity to bring our collection of experiences and thoughts together in a way that is completely unique. Turn to those around you for collaboration, believe in your own meaning, shake up your routine, and open the door to creativity. Take a new route to work. Talk to a stranger. See a play instead of a movie. Try to say “thank you” in a new language. DJ Dave said that new ideas are like truffles on the forest floor; you don’t always know when and where they will appear, but they will. And then what? As director Jean-Luc Godard has said, “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.”