Life can be challenging, even more so if you have undiagnosed borderline personality disorder, BPD.
BPD can make the challenges life provides more difficult than the challenges life poses to someone without it. Professionals diagnose new cases of BPD every year. BPD is an emotional instability personality disorder. Unstable relationships and the inability to keep long-term relationships both friendships and romantic ones are both symptoms of BPD.
There are 8 symptoms of borderline personality disorder that we need to be aware of. It is better to have a diagnosis to understand where behaviors come from, rather than not understand the root of these issues. Once we know the diagnosis, we will be able to safeguard ourselves and begin to make the change needed for a healthier life.
1. The fear of abandonment:
This is a major symptom of BPD. There is a constant fear that everyone is going to leave and you will be all alone.
2. The second symptom of BPD is having unstable relationships:
There is an inability to keep long-term relationships. The relationships are often intense and short-lived. People with signs and symptoms of BPD find fault with their friends and partners and move on.
3. The third indication of BPD is an unstable self-image:
People with signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder do not know who they are. One day they feel great about themselves and the next day they hate themselves. While this symptom on its own may not be an indication of BPD, when coupled with other symptoms it can relate to borderline personality disorder.

4. Impulsivity:
Impulsivity is another symptom of BPD. Often, actions are done without any thought to consequences. Self-destructive behavior falls into this category. These behaviors are often done because the person does not feel worthy as a result of previous situations.
5. The fifth symptom is self-harm:
Harming yourself and suicidal thoughts and idealizations can be an indication of BPD. Self-harm can also include physical harm to oneself.
6. Extreme emotional swings are the sixth symptom:
Going from very high to very low in a short amount of time is an indication of BPD. Small things may cause someone with signs and symptoms of BPD to get extremely upset very quickly. These mood swings can be very intense.
7. The seventh symptom is the feeling of complete emptiness:
People with the signs and symptoms of BPD feel like there is nothing that can fill them up inside. It is as if they have a hole inside them that never gets full.

8. The eighth symptom is explosive anger:
Yelling, screaming, throwing things, and violence are all indications of anger and intense rage.
These eight symptoms, when combined, can be a sign that someone is suffering from borderline personality disorder.
There is no reason to feel shame or anger if these symptoms describe you. BPD can be genetic. Many studies show that BPD is passed down from parent to child. If that is not the case, it is important to remember that these symptoms develop when children are raised in an unstable, abusive, and neglectful environment. Do not be ashamed, seek help to guide you through the next steps you need to take to find your true life. When we understand what is happening, we can make the necessary changes to better our lives.
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