Have you ever wondered if you are a narcissist? We may wonder if there is something wrong with us. We question whether we are the problem rather than the solution.
Let’s dig into 5 solid signs that indicate we are not narcissists.
The first indication that you are not a narcissist is that you honestly care about other people’s feelings and emotions. You care about how your actions impact other people. Because we care about other people’s feelings, we keep an eye on ourselves to ensure we act morally. However, it is not about you getting ahead in life, it is about you making sure that the people around you are healthy and happy. We want to know that we are adding to their quality of life.

The next indication that helps prove that you are not a narcissist is that you feel for others. There is genuine empathy for other people’s struggles. You can empathize with them and feel their pain. It is easy to care about others and want to know more about the situation they are in and you want to be helpful. You are there in the good times and during the struggles.
Furthermore, we want to see others achieve success, even if their success does nothing for you. You care about their success and happiness, but it does not have to impact you. It is not about getting something from someone else, you truly care. As a result, It has nothing to do with getting a by-product of their success.
Another indication you are not a narcissist is that you champion the people around you, both in public and private. When someone is narcissistic, they frequently just publicly support the other person to enhance their appearance. They get to brag about the person to others, making it look even better for themselves. This raises the narcissist up. They never express to the person in private how pleased or proud they are of them. However, It is not about them being proud of the person’s success, it’s about them using it for their benefit and to make themselves look better.

Finally, we ask people how they are doing. We take the time to listen to what they are telling us about how they feel. We ask them genuine questions to get more information. In this process, we do not interject our pain or problems. We are not talking about ourselves, or saying that our problems are worse than theirs.
We care about their pain and give them advice if they ask for it. A narcissist will talk about how horrible their life is, or what they are dealing with. They will not be interested in what anyone else has to say.
Are there any other signs that you feel depict someone who is not a narcissist? Comment on this blog and let us know what else you can think of that would help identify someone who is not a narcissist.
Watch the entire video here: