What’s your unhappiness score?

First Segment

“Do you lead with your score?” aB

On tonight’s episode of Perspectives, after careful tallying of personal setbacks, loses, failures, and breakups, Ashley and the crew reveal their unhappiness score. The unhappiness quotient is based on a 1 to 100 scoring system. In order to tally your specific unhappiness score, you begin by counting all setbacks, loses, failures, and breakups that you remember and still plaque you. Later in the hour, Ashley reveals the physical and emotional signs of people whom lead with their score and techniques for overcoming your past.

Second Segment

Dan and Bill are put on the spot when Ashley asks them their specific setbacks, loses, failures, and breakups. Much is admitted about Ashley’s two co-hosts and truth is revealed.

Third Segment

After grilling both Dan and Bill, Ashley is put on the hot seat and reveals her painful past and the points associated with each. All three reveal aspects of their lives that you didn’t know and probably never expected.

Fourth Segment

Ashley reveals the physical and emotional signs of people whom lead with their unhappiness score, and she offers real techniques for overcoming your past.


When is the right time to confront someone in your life?-https://www.ashleyberges.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=5234&action=edit

Learn how to gain happiness and personal joy by halting life comparisons today:  https://www.ashleyberges.com/gain-happiness-and-personal-joy-by-halting-life-comparisons/





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