Stopping addiction from getting in the way of your success and life motivations Show #7:

First Segment 

We’re discussing the things that get in the way of motivation and the tools to remove them and to get back on the right path.  Brian Cuban, author of “Shattered Image:  My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder” joins Perspectives in our discussion on motivation and keeping your self on the right and successful life path.  Depression, drugs, alcohol, mental imbalances, negativity, and/or not having positive people around you can pull you off course.

Second Segment

Things that happened to us in our childhood and in our immediate past can hold us back and get us off target.  Our life is unique in the fact that no two people will have the same life path.  What you can do, what you can create, and who you can be is intrinsic to you and only you.  Once you realize that you do something better than anyone on the planet, you then begin to realize your ability and your strength.  Once you understand your ability, you don’t want to let it go to waste no matter what happened in your past.

Third Segment

You can do anything!  This segment gives you the exacts on how to stay focused, maintain your motivation, and charge yourself when you’re feeling down.  Life can sometimes feel like a roller coaster and you hold the keys to keeping yourself on course and getting what you desire out of life.  No matter what happened in your childhood, you can overcome every negative memory by sticking to these principles.  Read The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life to get everything you want out of life.  You must know what you will not accept to understand what you love.


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