Propel your life forward by being mindful

First Segment

James Rose from FOX News 4 and Jake Busey, Gary Busey’s Son, they both join Perspectives Live tonight to give their Perspective.   You can remove boundaries to your success.  Stop being the observer.  We watch the reality shows and watch other people live their live.  The Kardashian’s, Big Brother, Amazing Race, and all other reality shows put you sitting on the couch instead of living your life.  Take a minute to observe what you are doing this very minute.  Are you consciously in the NOW or are you thinking of the break up you had with your boyfriend or girlfriend?  Bring your awareness in to the NOW!

Second Segment

We’re joined by James Rose, FOX News Reporter, and he’s on his boat, “On Assignment” and he’s talking live via the ocean.  Rose is sailing to the South of Florida live on Perspectives.  Rose tells us about conscious observations, life, love, and getting past dealing with the negativity that news can be.  We’re discussing being the captain of your own life and not following others but defining your life every minute of every day.  Life is an adventure and it’s beautiful and not scary.  Swimming with the dolphins is amazing and a life changing experience.

Third Segment

Small things, others do, can cause you to have a bad day.  However, if you clear your mind and realize people are dying from cancer and other illnesses, that we can overlook the mundane and realize that others are going through a life and death situation on a daily basis.  We don’t always know what others are going through.  When others trust you with their life, you realize the power and the love you have for humanity.  How to gain true clarity now!

Forth Segment

How to deal with the ying and yang of the earth’s changes.  How to breathe and calm yourself at anytime of the day.  I explain how to calm your mind and how to peacefully and powerfully walk into any room, walk into any crowd, and how to overcome any barrier either mental or physical.  How to generate your own clarity in any situation.

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