How unhappy should you be?

First Segment

You’re allowed to be unhappy it’s not a crime. aB

People have told you that you ought to be happier about the life you have. They tell you that you’re acting like a baby and need to grow up. Instead of lecturing you on just how happy you should be and how ridiculous you are acting about your life, lets look at the other side of the coin. Life can throw you a curve ball or two or three and that can lead to frustration, anger, resentment, and unhappiness.  Just how unhappy should you be with your life?  Depending on the various life issues you’ve dealt with, you can begin to tally your score and then can act from that score.  If anyone asks you why you’re in such a messed up mood, point to your score and walk on.  Lets begin the scoring process.

Second Segment

The unhappiness quotient is based on a 1-100 score.  1 means you should be the absolute happiest person on the planet and 100 denotes you’ve been cleared to buy your own coffin and die if you’d like.  You  determine your score by tallying your setbacks, loses, failures, and breakups. Listen to the broadcast to get the in depth information on point structure and allocation.

Third Segment

Setbacks and loses throughout our life color our perspective and can help or hold us back from a possible fruitful future. Bill, Dan, and Ashley discuss their thoughts on setbacks and loses, the ones they can remember, and the ones that seem to have left a mark.

Fourth Segment

Dan, Bill, and Berges discuss the point allotment for failures and breakups and which ones are accepted and can be added to your Unhappiness Quotient. Ashley asks Dan and Bill to come up with their unhappiness score for next weeks show. Ashley will disclose her score next week too!


Have you wondered when to use confrontation to resolve a problem? Read this quick blog and be armed and ready for the next time.


Learn how you can gain happiness and personal joy by halting life comparisons today:





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