How to find your TRUE purpose.

First Segment

Guests:  Awesome Callers who are avid listeners of Perspectives with Ashley Berges

Perspectives with Ashley Berges begins the Perspectives Purpose Series.  When you find your true and honest purpose, you find your true and honest (main) reason for being on the planet.  Give a man fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime.  This applies directly to purpose.  If you give a person the tools to find their true purpose, they will be happy and honestly fulfilled all the days of their life.  (Disclaimer:  you will have hurdles to overcome but you will be happy to jump them!)

Second Segment

Without purpose, life doesn’t have real meaning.  When you find your true purpose, some people call it your true calling, your world begins to open up and blossom.  You are inspired, embraced, and become interested in life in completely different ways than ever before.

Third Segment

Perspectives with Ashley Berges discusses purpose.  Callers from all over the world chime in on purpose and what they feel their true purpose to be.  Ashley helps others connect with their true self and go past their careers and work and spot what really matters in their lives.

Fourth Segment

Ashley is a certified and licensed councilor and life coach.  The techniques she offers are techniques that are paid for and render actual results.  When you begin incorporating Berges’ techniques in your life, you begin to relish the beauty and joy of being on your true path and living your true life.


When you open the newspaper or turn on the news, do you instantly get a rush of stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being powerless?  You are not alone!  Statistically speaking, more people than less feel the same way.  Read more now:



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