Archive for the ‘regret’ Category

Life’s answers are in plain sight.

Throughout my years on this planet, I find we often overthink, overanalyze, and worry about the smallest things. We focus on things we can’t change and fixate on them until we feel paralyzed, unable to act, unable to feel, and unable to be at ease. It took me years to understand the difference between what […]

Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works.

Focus on what works NOT what hurts.  Start living in your joy today by focusing on what works. Refocusing your mind on a minute-to-minute basis to see and focus on what’s working in your life instead of what is hurting or not working, you begin to create a positive and successful life path.  Life is […]

Make confrontation work for you.

We despise even hate confrontation. Because we hate confrontation, we stray away from dealing with our problems. Avoiding confrontation causes us to toss and turn all night, be stressed out all day, and when it gets bad enough, the anger you’re carrying around affects every aspect of your life. For the most part, none of […]

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today.

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today. On a daily basis, I speak with a lot of people, and the majority of these people are unhappy in some way with their life.  Whether it’s their career, relationship, no relationship, growth, or growing apart, there is something.  The first thing I tell […]

The tools to eliminate personal regret, and how to know what you want to be when you grow up.

The tools to eliminate personal regret, and how to know what you want to be when you grow up.   Several of my clients as well as friends are going through a timeless issue.  No matter how old you are, no matter how long you’ve been settled and have a job, no matter what business […]

Confrontation versus Avoidance: Being Authentic and Pro-Active (part 2)

Across the board, if we deal with the problem situation at the beginning of the problem, confrontation would not be needed, unless the problem continues.  By waiting, we hold hurt feelings and unanswered questions inside which causes internal chaos and disbelieve that usually caused a bigger divide between you and the other person leading up […]

Effective Communication: Are You in a Holding Pattern?

Are you in a holding pattern? Your individual life journey differs from all other’s life journey.  This life journey of yours is individual and unique to you.  Everything about us as an individual is unique.  The way we think, the way we speak, the way we breathe, the way we love, and the way we […]

What is Regret?

What is regret?   Regret is a verb defined as: to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, esp. a loss or missed opportunity). Synonyms for regret: verb: repent, mourn, be sorry, lament, and rue. Noun synonyms: repentance, remorse, sorrow, grief, and contrition.   How does regret feel?   […]

Regret: How does it feel? (continued)

Technique #2:  Don’t lose out like last time, so jump in head first to anything.   Many people use this technique because they don’t want to be on this side of regret so they jump into anything and everything without doing their homework.  Not wanting to feel regret is understandable but jumping into situations without […]