Archive for the ‘life coaching’ Category

Overwhelmed by News Media?

How can we cope with the overwhelming amount of news and media and actually do something to better this world? Do you feel overwhelmed more often than not? Do you feel as though there are so many things to do and so little time to do them? Lets begin by putting things into perspective, rating […]

Turn down the outside noise in order to hear your inner truth.

Every day of our life we are bombarded by noise and the noise is devised to get you off your target. What is my target you ask? Your target is your purpose, your duty, it is what you want to accomplish in this life, the goals you want to achieve, and the authentic ways you […]

Letting Go to Grow

I’ve learned to let go of the things that no longer benefit me in my life. It has taken a lifetime to understand the thought process to metaphorically clean house. I began realizing years ago that friendships and relationships change and some don’t necessarily last. Some of our relationships are here for a season, a […]

12 tips for a Happy and Healthy Life

Get out of bed, take a shower, and get dressed this will do wonders for your mood. Exercise daily for at least 20 mins because endorphins rock! Eat more foods that grow on trees or plants and less processed foods. Find your true timing when it comes to sleep. Some of us are 7 hours others […]

Why Do People Cheat?

Our relationship expert shares the main reasons that people have wandering eyes. By: Ashley Berges 1. Looking for Something People have affairs when they feel as though something is missing from their life. Instead of looking within and pinpointing what they can work on, sometimes people look for outside solutions. Most people who have affairs […]

Is Romance Still Alive?

Romance in Dallas

It’s 2015. We’ve got Tinder. We’ve got Match. But do we have romance? By: Ashley Berges Life is distracting. Technology is supposed to make things easier, but a lot of times, it just makes us blind to anything that doesn’t fit on our cell phone screen. We all long for romance: that kiss in the […]

Surviving the Breakup

We all have our own way of coping, but our relationship pro breaks down the different ways we break up.

We all have our own way of coping, but our relationship pro breaks down the different ways we break up. By: Ashley Berges For the most part, being dumped is a painful process to endure. Sure, later you may look at it as a godsend, however, at the time it’s the end of the world, […]