Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

Do you want to make your dreams a reality?

Do you want to make your dreams a reality? How you can make your dream a touchable reality. Are you ready to begin creating and doing instead of day dreaming and waiting? In order to make our dreams realities we must begin to take the dream out of our head and get it on paper. […]

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Involving Others Offers a Beautiful Journey for All Movies clearly impact our lives.  When we have the ability to attend a film’s premier, we have a unique ability to identify with that film and to hold it dear within our heart as one of our favorites.  On March 19, 2013, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey […]

Should you be more successful at your age?

Do you dread getting another year older?   Aging is handled and expressed differently by almost every human on the planet.  As children, prior to high school, we wanted to be older and we wanted to be older faster.  Some of us would add the half to our age.  So instead of merely being 11 […]

Are you a victim of Retail Therapy?

Are you a victim of Retail Therapy? How much therapy do you buy?  When we experience tough emotional times in our lives, people deal with these emotions in completely different ways.  Some people compartmentalize their issues, others go into a deep depression, some turn to alcohol to numb the hurt feelings, others take it out […]

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today.

How to find happiness and remove unhappiness from your life today. On a daily basis, I speak with a lot of people, and the majority of these people are unhappy in some way with their life.  Whether it’s their career, relationship, no relationship, growth, or growing apart, there is something.  The first thing I tell […]

New Years Resolutions, will you succeed or fail?

How you can succeed with any New Years resolution.

New Years Resolutions, will you succeed or fail? How you can succeed with any New Years resolution.   It’s not about making New Year’s resolutions; it’s about keeping them! 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions but only a mere 8% of them actually keep them.   Why do we fail? Contained in this blog […]

How to effectively deal with the holiday blues.

Live Your True Life

How to effectively deal with the holiday blues. No matter the issue or situation, you can find joy and happiness this holiday season too!   Many people think of the holidays as a merry time of year for celebration, family, friends, and fun.  Thoughts of trimming the tree, spending time with loved ones, buying family […]

Meeting Kalyn from Big Rich Texas for the first time

Meeting Kalyn for the first time Life Coaching Session #1 Big Rich Texas Season #3   Scenes from the first life coaching meeting with Kalyn: Kalyn and I were meeting for the first time.  I realize that for some of my clients, in the beginning, they are a bit uneasy with the entire […]

How to get along with your family this holiday season by creating memories not misery!

How to get along with your family this holiday season. Why have misery when you can make this the best holiday yet?   Everyone on this planet has at least one person that likes and possibly gets thrills from pushing your buttons.  Sometimes, that one or several people are also family members.  During the holiday […]

Big Rich Texas Life Coaching

On Big Rich Texas, Kalyn, my client and I begin with discussing the here and now.  In order for me, the life coach, to understand what is occurring in a client’s life, I must obtain the information by listening with intent to my client on what is truly happening in their life, and the emotions […]