Author Archive

What would God do?

Perhaps there’s more to the story, perhaps we are spirit beings on Earth living a life in a human body…What if, go with me on this, what if our memories were erased and we are put here to learn how to be loving and caring spirits in a body…We are on a planet with all […]

Overwhelmed by News Media?

How can we cope with the overwhelming amount of news and media and actually do something to better this world? Do you feel overwhelmed more often than not? Do you feel as though there are so many things to do and so little time to do them? Lets begin by putting things into perspective, rating […]

Turn down the outside noise in order to hear your inner truth.

Every day of our life we are bombarded by noise and the noise is devised to get you off your target. What is my target you ask? Your target is your purpose, your duty, it is what you want to accomplish in this life, the goals you want to achieve, and the authentic ways you […]

Letting Go to Grow

I’ve learned to let go of the things that no longer benefit me in my life. It has taken a lifetime to understand the thought process to metaphorically clean house. I began realizing years ago that friendships and relationships change and some don’t necessarily last. Some of our relationships are here for a season, a […]

12 tips for a Happy and Healthy Life

Get out of bed, take a shower, and get dressed this will do wonders for your mood. Exercise daily for at least 20 mins because endorphins rock! Eat more foods that grow on trees or plants and less processed foods. Find your true timing when it comes to sleep. Some of us are 7 hours others […]

Day 3 : My Thoughts and Personal Reflections

“ The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life, Day 3 : What are you doing right now ? the mindful mind vs. the thinking mind “The thinking mind is preoccupied with thoughts from the past or thoughts about the future “ Stated by  Ashley Berges  Before I sleep I have a habit of […]

Day 2 : My thoughts and personal reflections

“The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life, Day 2 : Dealing with negative energy suckers in your life. In Chapter 2, Berges states,“ The weight of the world is not on your shoulders.”  This Thanksgiving break I made a commitment to try something different and just distance myself from everyone.It was not a […]

Day 1: My thoughts and personal reflections

  “The 10 Day Challenge to Live Your True Life, Day 1: Your time and energy are important! In Chapter 1, Berges states, “Time doesn’t stop and because of that ,we have to prioritize what we want to spend our time doing.” As a seventeen year old in high school, not only am I dealing with […]

You know the answers, to find them, you must ask the right questions.

As we walk through this world, we see and we don’t see. We see what we want to see, what we don’t want to see, what’s in our headspace, and what monopolizes our mind. We see the hurt if we fixate on hurt, we see joy if we focus on joy. We sustain our beliefs […]

Life’s answers are in plain sight.

Throughout my years on this planet, I find we often overthink, overanalyze, and worry about the smallest things. We focus on things we can’t change and fixate on them until we feel paralyzed, unable to act, unable to feel, and unable to be at ease. It took me years to understand the difference between what […]